Personal Mastery And Career

Personal mastery is not something that you can only use to help you deal with stress and improve your confidence. Actually, it is possible to apply mastery into you career as well. There are numerous studies showing personal mastery to have impact on your everyday life as well as with working effectively. Applying personal mastery…

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Tips in Finding Our Passion!

Some of us take a lifetime in realizing what we really want to do and where we want to take our journey. It would be best if we knew the essentials in finding our passion while we were still young. This way, you will have lots of time to fulfill whatever you want to achieve…

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Gurus Talk About Finding Your Passion

There are so many leadership speakers, psychologists, spiritual guides, authors, writers and specialists that will guide and help you in finding your passion. It’s a lifelong journey they say and each person consciously or unconsciously is in constant struggle to this journey. Here are some of the popular gurus in the country which you can…

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Christmas in Vegas 2015

WOW!!! I wonder if the Jessica Valenzuela from Arizona planned for her trip to Las Vegas as long as we had. I know for me Las Vegas is a special place. My heart goes out to her family and all those effected. Just experiencing or watching it as it happened has to affect you. Even…

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Avoid Avoiding

Procrastination can creep in and easily become a habit. Once it does, it can erode your capacity to function effectively. But, breaking a habit is no easy thing to do, let alone face starting. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a constant work in progress. Once you accept that procrastination could exist and it’s something,…

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So You Gave Up on Finding Your Passion!

If you’re like me, feeling like you are already too old, because we’re on the downhill side of some, health, weight, age, insurance chart or table, so you’ve given up pursuing the path on finding your passion, STOP that thought! We’re neither too old nor too young to do what we want to do, or…

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