Everyday spirituality can be found in all of us. From our first days on this earth we have been influenced by the ideas of society telling you what kind of person we should be. From that first cartoon show to the latest version of Downton Abbey, the media shows us how perfect our lives should be.
These ideas and life events have molded and shaped us into what we are today. Our inner spirit has taken a back seat crowded out by all these ideas and notions of who should be and how we should live your lives.
Seeing spirituality everyday looks beyond the TV screen passed the physical, it looks beyond into our individual spiritual center. Use your awareness to recognize it in all beings.
The best way to begin is to set your mood by just thinking of the people and things that make us happy:
listening to your favorite music
the sounds of nature on a quiet spring day
a neighborly act of kindness
a peaceful time for meditation
reading a good book or inspirational story
your loved ones
the sounds of happy children
We can experience that moment when we rediscover our own inner spirituality and that of the world around us. If we recognize all the good in our lives and give it the attention and recognition it deserves, we will experience the spirituality that surrounds us every day.
Spirituality is all around us, what is spirituality? One definition of spirituality is “Spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”
Spirituality touches that part of us that is not dependent on material things or physical comforts. We can bring spirituality into our everyday lives, if we want to.
Bring your awareness into the here and now, you are not thinking ahead or thinking of what has past, you are in the moment. Make notes to yourself as you go through your everyday tasks and events so you will remember the spiritual aspects of whatever it is you are doing. Practicing being completely in the moment is an excellent way to build your awareness of spirit.
Live Your Best Life Now! Make today a new beginning live in and through your spiritual center. Ain’t no guarantee on tomorrow!
When you find yourself in that negative frame of mind just recall the things that make you happy. Remember the small things in life that truly make us smile. The positive events and people in our lives. This will help diminish the effects of that negativity. It is not an easy, but with practice it becomes easier and you will gain so much from it.
Your life will start to evolve into the life you’ve always dreamed of. Take one step at a time, build your awareness of everyday spirituality by recognizing it in the people and things around us.
Start living your best life now, start recognizing the spirit in you now, and the spirituality that surrounds you now.