У Yoda Гордый: Медитация 101

Медитация относится к государству, в котором ваше тело и ум сознательно расслаблены и сосредоточены. Практикующие этого искусства сообщают о повышении осведомленности, сосредоточенности и концентрации, а также о более позитивном взгляде на жизнь. Медитация чаще всего ассоциируется с монахами, мистиками и другими духовными дисциплинами. Тем не менее, вы не должны быть монахом или мистиком, чтобы наслаждаться…

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What is Personal Mastery

  Personal mastery is about approaching life from a different perspective. Sometimes people would refer to it as a journey towards continuous improvement. Personal mastery is guided with key principles like vision, personal purpose, creative tension, commitment to truth and understanding the subconscious mind. One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal mastery is…

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Motivation Lessons

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, the drive, energy, enthusiasm, interest and passion just drain out. The problem is, most of the times we are not calling the shots. We have to move with the rhythm of our environment which always asks us to stay ready and up and moving. So, what do…

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Is there Everyday Spirituality

Everyday spirituality can be found in all of us. From our first days on this earth we have been influenced by the ideas of society telling you what kind of person we should be. From that first cartoon show to the latest version of Downton Abbey, the media shows us how perfect our lives should…

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How to Find Your Passion

Following your passion brings personal power and awakens yourself to the beauty of the world. It leads you to the heart of spiritual journey as it changes your thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Finding your passion does not promise an easy life rather a rich life open to hopes and possibility. Speak your truths clearly –…

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Change Doesn’t Happen Alone! Most of us wish we could improve certain things about ourselves. But lasting change is difficult, because many of our habits are deeply rooted within our core. If you look up a definition of self-change (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary); the word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or…

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Your Brain Preforms Better If You Feel Better

Now, isn’t meditation just the right boost to your brain power? Through meditation, your concentration will be strengthened, thus you can fully focus on any mental activity that you are working on. So you should learn to control your mind and use it efficiently for your own goals, do this by starting with breath techniques…

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Building A Dream

Motivation is an intriguing stuff. Sometimes, you need big things – life events that have the power to turn you around – and sometimes, you only need those tiny motivators – a cute saying on a poster – to make you feel like you have to power to call your own shots. Build a dream…

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Better Your Brain Power

The human brain is a multifaceted organization of cells and around fifty million neurons that work with utmost complexity in order to keep you going healthy and strong. It is believed to be five times bigger than an average brain of a mammal with the same body size. In human beings, the frontal lobes and…

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