Strange Sleep Experience


I am following a spiritual path and your teachings along with Caroline Myss’s work have helped me transform beyond all recognition over the past two years. I am a totally different person in mind, body & spirit now. I have found truth.
However I am having experiences in my sleep that I can’t understand. As I sleep I am aware of my ears and my head buzzing. The sounds I hear are very similar to white noise that buzz on and off and my whole body and head feels aroused. It’s like a charge of electricity. I sometimes sense a light behind my eyes. It feels like it lasts for about 5 minutes and I know that if I wake myself up I will feel terrible so I tell myself to go with the feelings. Despite being asleep, I am observing what is happening.
It has happened about 10 times in the last three’ish years. They are good experiences, almost sexual, like reaching a point of orgasm … but I wonder if you are able to explain what might be happening and if I could enhance the feelings further (as there is a part of me that is frightened to surrender to it all.)
I have suffered for the past ten years with noise in my right ear, which I thought was tinnitus for a time but I now believe it to be an energetic block (it has improved 60% since cutting chemicals from my diet)

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