Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups

Peanut Butter Cups

Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, the whole club was looking at her…yeah that’s how these Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups are, they are like that good. I also have that song stuck in my head because my boyfriend Brad has been obsessed with Pitch Perfect 2. Like obsessed. It’s both hilarious and annoying at the same time. I’ve been documenting it on Snapchat. These peanut butter cups are also kinda like that old Reese’s commercial where the panicked lady shouts, “You got chocolate in my peanut butter!” So like both of those things. And now these cups have me wanting to make everything inside out. Is that even a thing? Like could you do inside out cake with the frosting on the inside? (Writing that idea down) or like an ice cream cone, inside a scoop of ice cream? I feel like we could sit around and talk about this subject for hours, while we’re eating these Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups, of course.

Peanut Butter Cups


So while we’re on the subject, yes I made these with peanut butter. Actual real life peanut butter. All the Paleo people are probably losing their ish, but this is me not caring at all. I eat peanut butter every single day. Yes, you read that right, and *gasp* I’m still alive to tell the tale.

I think of food as fuel, not a moral dilemma.

Personally I have no issues whatsoever when it comes to eating peanut butter, I feel great in fact. I realize this may not be the case for everyone, so do you boo boo, do you. If you’re still on the almond butter train, party on Wayne. You can totally make this recipe with almond butter as well and it will come out quite delicious. Just not like peanut butter delicious. I know you feel me on that one.

Peanut Butter Cups

I’ve followed a Paleo-ish template for about 3 years now. If I have to eat one more bite of almond butter I’m going to scream. I’m so sick of almond butter that I can’t see straight. Just the thought of it makes me want to gag. I’ve definitely done the 30-day super strict Paleo, and sugar detoxes, and loved them for what they were and used them as a learning tool to see how different foods affect me.

When I first started eating Paleo, I read a REALLY great article that has stuck with me all these years. It was written by this awesome chick, and it was basically about how to eat Paleo, and still enjoy life. I wish I could find that article, but I can’t because I’m a crappy blogger, so let me just paraphrase it for you. She basically said that there are certain things in life that she really enjoyed eating, so much so, that she just wasn’t willing to give them up. She felt that if she could just choose 3 things that were “Non-Negotiables”, then not only would it be easier to eat healthy and reach her goals, but it would also make life more enjoyable. Her 3 foods were: straight up legit flavored CoffeeMate, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors, and all. Number 2 was peanut butter, and 3…3, well I forgot what 3 was for but (name that song), maybe hummus or wine, (see…worst blogger ever). The point is she was fine giving up all other foods, she just needed these 3 to survive.

This stuck with me because it hit so close to home. I could care less about CoffeeMate, but peanut butter?! Yes please. So my 3 I think would definitely have to be chocolate, peanut butter, and Canyon Bakehouse gluten-free bread. Honestly, wine would be tied with the chocolate and is pretty much “only on the weekends” type of thing, unless it’s a special occasion, but the peanut butter and gluten-free bread are daily, because I really, really enjoy them. I also don’t have any negative side effects when eating these foods. And I think I’m just happier in general knowing that I’m eating food that’s right for me, instead of not eating something just because a popular book or article says I shouldn’t. I’m not Paleo and I’m telling everyone.

Please note: this doesn’t work if your 3 foods are pizza, donuts, and Taco Bell. Mmm-kay. Just gonna leave that right here.

Peanut Butter Cups

So when I decided to make this treat, I was this close (doing the little pinch thingy with my thumb and index finger) to using almond butter. The reason was two-fold: A. I wouldn’t eat any leftovers because I’m going through my “I despise almond butter” phase and B. It’s Paleo and I write a sort of Paleo-ish blog and stuff. Then I had an epiphany and I was like, no almond butter, bye Felicia. I’m going to use peanut butter and I’m going to enjoy every second of it. From the sticky sweet smell still left in my nostrils, to the remnants left underneath my fingernails. The first bite I took of these Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups was glorious. And the best part was, no almond butter. It tasted just like an inside out Reese’s. Perfect. One of the quotes I would always write in my cookbook during book signings was, “Life’s short. Eat dessert.” Maybe I should change it to, “Life’s short, eat peanut butter.” haha. I’m funny.

Peanut Butter Cups

I’m so curious now, what are your 3 things? Do you even have 3 things? What are they!!?! tell me!!! So total side note, I deleted the Facebook app off my phone. I’m so irritated at Facebook right now. Maybe I should just go through and “hide” everyone’s posts. Is that mean? I guess I don’t really care. I find myself scrolling and getting so irritated at people. It’s all either clickbate, Facebook ads, humble bragging, or political stuff. I feel like Marty McFly in Back to the Future II when he first gets out of the Delorean and things are jumping out at him every two seconds, like the Jaws 19 movie ad, and he has no idea what’s going on. That’s literally what Facebook has become to me. Now granted, there are a select few people on there whom I truly enjoy following because they post great stuff or have really insightful things to say and I appreciate that. So I don’t want to delete it completely. Also, what’s up with the Facebook memories stuff? The only thing I’ve learned from it is that the Vanessa circa 2008-2010 was not very cool, but thought she was, and her status updates sucked. Ew. Ironically right after I deleted the app I wanted to update my Facebook status telling everyone about it…

Peanut Butter Cups

Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups
2016-06-13 18:33:19
Yields 9
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Prep Time
30 min

Total Time
50 min

Prep Time
30 min

Total Time
50 min

  1. 1 cup (285g) creamy salted peanut butter or almond butter
  2. ¼ cup (60ml) melted coconut oil
  3. 2 tablespoons melted raw honey
  4. ½ (100g) cup chocolate chips
  5. ¼ cup (60 ml) canned full-fat coconut milk
  1. Line a 12-cup cupcake pan with 9 silicone baking liners. Set aside. Heat peanut butter in a microwave safe dish for 45 seconds to 1 minute or until it has a semi-liquid consistency and becomes pourable. Slowly drizzle the melted coconut oil into the heated peanut butter while stirring. Then mix in the melted honey. At this point the peanut butter mixture should be a liquid consistency.
  2. Use a spoon to transfer a small amount of the peanut butter mixture to the bottom of each silicone liner. Use the back of the spoon to spread the mixture across the bottom of each liner or swirl the liner until the bottom is evenly coated with the peanut butter mixture, about an 1/8 (3 mm) of an inch thick. Freeze the liners in the pan for 15 minutes or until set. While the peanut butter is setting, prepare the chocolate center.
  3. Melt the chocolate chips and coconut milk in a double boiler over low heat or in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir frequently, using a rubber spatula, until the chocolate and coconut milk are completely melted and combined. Remove from heat and let cool until it’s close to room temperature. If the chocolate mixture is too warm it will melt the peanut butter in the bottom of the liners.
  4. Once the chocolate has cooled down, remove the lined cupcake pan from the freezer. Use a spoon to transfer a dollop of chocolate, about the size of a tablespoon, into the center of each peanut butter bottom, leaving room on the top and sides. Repeat this method for the remaining liners. Then use a spoon to pour the remaining peanut butter mixture into each liner, filling it and completely covering the sides and top of the chocolate center. Fill until the peanut butter mixture reaches about an 1/8 inch (3 mm) from the top of the liner. Freeze the completed pan for 20 minutes or until set.
  5. An alternate method to make these cups would be to spoon about a tablespoon or so of the melted peanut butter mixture into each liner, one liner at a time. Pick up the liner and twirl it slowly in a circle, coating the bottom and sides evenly, about 3/4 of the way up the side of the liner, or use a spoon to pull the peanut butter mixture up the sides, evenly coating it. Freeze the completed pan for 10 minutes or until the peanut butter is set. Repeat this same process one more time to thicken the peanut butter coating. Once the chocolate mixture has cooled down, remove the pan from the freezer. Use a spoon to fill each peanut butter cup with the chocolate mixture. Fill to just below the peanut butter line, or about 1/8 inch (3 mm) below. Then use a spoon to pour and spread the remaining melted peanut butter mixture across the top of the chocolate center, even with the peanut butter line. Freeze the completed pan for 20 minutes or until set.
  6. Remove the silicone liners. Enjoy right away or allow to thaw at room temperature for about 3-5 minutes. Store covered in the freezer for up to 1 month.
  1. I gave you two methods for making this recipe because there isn’t just one way to make it. Both ways will work, and one isn’t necessarily better than than the other, I just like to give you options!
Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind


The post Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups appeared first on Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind.

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