Truffled Deviled Eggs

Truffled Deviled Eggs

Look, listen, here’s the thing…I made you Truffled Deviled Eggs because the Super Bowl is here. We’ve discussed this many times, that we care about neither the game nor the funny commercials that have gotten progressively worse and worse over the years, but we do in fact care very deeply about the food served at said Super Bowl parties. That’s where these Truffled Deviled Eggs come in to play. So this recipe is actually inspired by one of my favorite Austin eateries, The Salty Sow. Every time I go there I have to order these eggs, and I have to order the Duck Fat fries with a 110-minute egg. My mouth is watering just typing that sentence. Also, that was just a joke about not caring about the game. I know lots of women who are huge football fans and I can’t betray my gender like that. I can still make jokes though, right?

So now that we’ve decided that we are in fact watching the game along with the stuffing of our faces, which team are we routing for? JT is doing the Half-Time Show right? There was talks of the nip slip debacle again I believe…(insert so many memes and emojis here). Look I may not like football, but I do like gossip.

Truffled Deviled Eggs

I need a new TV show to watch. I’ve binged and am current with How to Get Away with Murder, (dang that Viola Davis is a talented actor) and now I’m re-watching the whole Friends series because Brad’s never seen them before. Did he even live in the 90’s? (Chandler voice). Everyone’s like watch Black Mirror, but don’t start on Season One, start on Season Three, and watch this episode, but skip this one. I’m exhausted just thinking about all the remote control wielding that will require. And before you even ask, of course I’ve already watched all the obvious ones like Mind Hunter, Stranger Things, Walking Dead, Ozark, GOT, This is Us, etc. etc. etc. What? I like TV.

I did start watching GLOW because I’m a huge Jenji Kohan fan (hello Weeds and OITNB), but it’s just meh. My cousins and I were obsessed with the real GLOW series back in the 80’s. The three of us kinda grew up like sisters, we were all born about a month apart. My grandmother Nana and my great grandmother Rosa were obsessed with wrestling, like obsessed. They watched it all the time while Nana chain smoked More cigarettes, with the windows closed, but my grandma Rosa was hard of hearing so they would just watch it all day with the volume off. Hmm. Typing this as an adult makes me realize how weird that is, but this was my childhood and shaped me for better or for worse.

Truffled Deviled Eggs


Anyway one day we saw girls wrestling on the TV and it was the coolest. We got so excited and learned all the story lines. Then we would fight over who got to be whom. You know, for when we went out back to play in the yard and try to recreate the scenes we just saw. Being a kid is weird. Anyway my cousin Sarah wanted to be Americana because she was like the main pretty blond one who told all the others what to do, my cousin Jen wanted to be Ashley, which was weird, because I just remember Ashley like running a phone line or something and wearing a lot of leopard print.

I wanted to be Tina Ferrari because she wore purple and purple was my favorite color. This was my childhood. Don’t even make me tell you about the time that my Aunt Y. bought us these super cheesy fancy poofy ball gown dresses from this store down the street that was going out of business and my cousin Sarah got the light blue one and said, “I want to be Cinderella!”, then my cousin Jen got the yellow one and said, “I want to be Snow White!” and then I got the baby pink one with black polka dots and said, “I want to be Madonna!” it explains so much.

Anyway now you probably know way more about my childhood than anyone really should, but maybe that means you’ll recommend a good show for me in the comments or make this recipe and tell me how much you enjoyed it and how next time you’re in Austin you’ll stop by the Salty Sow to try the real ones!

Truffled Deviled Eggs

Truffled Deviled Eggs
2018-01-23 14:06:47

Serves 12
Save Recipe

Prep Time
15 min

Cook Time
15 min

Total Time
30 min

Prep Time
15 min

Cook Time
15 min

Total Time
30 min

  1. 12 large eggs, boiled
  2. 4 slices of bacon, finely chopped for garnish
  3. ¼ (2.5 ounces/60ml) cup mayonnaise
  4. 1 tablespoon white truffle oil
  5. 1 tablespoon bacon drippings
  6. ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
  7. salt to taste
  8. pepper to taste
  9. 2 tablespoons chopped chives, for garnish
  1. Place the eggs in a large (8 qt.) stockpot. Fill with water until the eggs are submerged. Boil over medium-high heat until hard, about 15-20 minutes, or use an egg timer. Fill the sink about halfway with very cold water. Once the eggs are boiled, transfer them to the water in the sink to stop the cooking process. Let them soak while you prepare the other ingredients.
  2. While the eggs are boiling, cook the bacon over medium heat in a pan until crisp. Remove the bacon from the pan and transfer it to a paper towel lined plate. Retain the bacon drippings from the pan, there should be about a tablespoon or so. Once the bacon has cooled, use a chef’s knife or kitchen shears to chop into fine bits.
  3. Once the eggs are cool, peel each one, washing off any remaining shell bits. Use a paper towel to dry eggs and then set aside.
  4. Use a sharp chef’s knife to cut each egg evenly down the center, lengthwise. Use your finger, or a spoon, to remove each yolk from the white, transfer each to a small mixing bowl. Put the egg white halves on to a serving platter and set aside.
  5. Add the mayonnaise, truffle oil, bacon drippings, and Dijon mustard to the bowl with the separated egg yolks. Add a few pinches of salt and pepper, mix together, taste, and add more salt and pepper if needed. Then finish mixing together until completely smooth and combined.
  6. Transfer the egg yolk mixture to a piping bag fitted with an Ateco 867 tip or desired tip. Pipe the mixture into each egg white half.
  7. Garnish with bacon bits and chives. Place in the refrigerator until cold. Serve chilled.
  8. Cover and store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
  1. For a stronger truffle flavor, add 1 additional teaspoon of truffle oil at a time, to taste, when adding the salt and pepper.
Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind


The post Truffled Deviled Eggs appeared first on Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind.

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