First Rule Of The Internet

BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU SHARE WITH WHO! The internet is NOT a SAFE place! Think about what you share your life on-line.  In cause you hadn’t noticed the world is not a safe place.  I’m just saying. The stimulus to my quandary is this recent tragedy at Umpqua Community College, an obscure community college…

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Building A Dream

Motivation is an intriguing stuff. Sometimes, you need big things – life events that have the power to turn you around – and sometimes, you only need those tiny motivators – a cute saying on a poster – to make you feel like you have to power to call your own shots. Build a dream…

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Better Your Brain’s Power!

The human brain is a multifaceted organization of cells and around fifty million neurons that work with utmost complexity in order to keep you going healthy and strong. It is believed to be five times bigger than an average brain of a mammal with the same body size. In human beings, the frontal lobes and…

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Organize The Clutter at Home!

Every year, tons of material that could be recycled aren’t, and end up cluttering our already overwhelmed dumps, waterways and roadsides. We think it’s a difficult undertaking to organize the cluttering in your home. An easy step is to start recycling in your own home! With some creativity and commitment, it can be easier to…

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This is my first unofficial post!

By unofficial I mean it’s my turn for the “No Spin Zone”! How can anyone say they we’re not putting our own perspective (“SPIN”) on issues that are dear to us? How can we distance ourselves from what we feel are important? Anyway that a discussion for another day. Especially since my wife cut off…

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How to Find Your Passion

Following your passion brings personal power and awakens yourself to the beauty of the world. It leads you to the heart of spiritual journey as it changes your thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Finding your passion does not promise an easy life rather a rich life open to hopes and possibility. Speak your truths clearly –…

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Have You Seen Some Of These Faces of Stress?

Stress affects each individual differently, according to the cause and its effects. Therefore, there are different kinds of stress as recognized by clinical and research studies. It is important for us as individuals to recognize the causes of stress in order for us to be able to deal with it, and hopefully reduce our stress….

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