Roasted Strawberry Popsicles

Roasted Strawberry Popsicles

I want to eat one of these Roasted Strawberry Pops right this second. I’m so excited to share this recipe with you because it’s from my dear friend Cassy’s new book, Fed & Fit: A 28 Day Food & Fitness Plan to Jump-Start Your Life with Over 175 Squeaky-Clean Paleo Recipes. This book is incredible. If I was starting Paleo for the first time this is definitely the book I’d grab. Not only do you get over 175 recipes, but you get a 28-day meal and fitness plan to go along with it! This book really has it all.

So if you know anything about me, you know when I get a new cookbook, I skip straight to the desserts. That’s exactly what I did with Cassy’s book because I wanted to see what dessert recipes she made squeaky clean, and these were the first to catch my eye! Then I texted Cassy and was like,

You have to let me share this recipe or I’ll die!

Okay so maybe I wasn’t that dramatic, but you get the idea. Aren’t you guys so lucky to have me on your side?! Anyway long story short, I’m absolutely in love with Cassy’s book. I know how hard she worked on it to make it absolutely perfect for you. The book also has a companion app which you can download to help you on your 28-day journey. How cool is that?!

Roasted Strawberry Popsicles

So another super awesome aspect of Cassy’s book is not only does she have a 28-day meal plan, but she has workouts to accompany each day! I did this workout because it looked pretty simple, and who doesn’t like a simple workout?! I should have known. It kicked my a$$. Like royally. Think of any scene in Rocky and that was me, but not on the winning end. Well #winning because my butt looks fabulous now, but man, it was a good one. Those sprints get you!

This is definitely a workout you could do in ANY gym. I did it in my work gym on a treadmill. I think I ran to .12 on treadmill. I know 400m is .25 (a quarter of a mile) so I divided .25 in half to get .12. I would sprint as fast as I could, usually at about a 10, then I’d stop the treadmill and walk it down as my rest, and then start all over again. I also did static squat holds during the 10 seconds rest to up the challenge…because that booty though. Either way, you’re gonna get a great workout!!!

Warm up, mobility stretches

A. 6 x 200m sprints (sprint for 200m, walk back for rest), then

B. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes (Tabata):
air squats [0:00-4:00]
push-ups [4:00-8:00]
sit-ups [8:00-12:00]

So I leave for the Caribbean today! I’m so excited I can barely stay in my skin. I haven’t had a drop of alcohol in 6 weeks. Can you believe that?! It may be a new world record for me. Since the Olympics are going on and everything, I wanted to participate. The crazy thing is…I feel absolutely incredible. Like my sleep is so on point, I never wake up wanting to throw my alarm out the window anymore and I wake up feeling totally rested and ready for the day. Not dragging ass like I normally do. My workouts are at a whole new level, and it’s been easier to stay on track with my meal plan because I’m not all drunk ordering crappy food. My mental clarity is another unexpected benefit that I’ve noticed from not drinking. It kind of makes me not want to drink anymore. This is so out of character for me and I don’t know that I’d stick to it on my vacation, that I leave for today, did I mention that already?

So I came up with a compromise for myself. We actually have a private yacht taking myself and 6 other friends island hopping through St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We have a personal chef on board to make all of our meals and cocktails. How Beyonce and JayZ am I right now?! I know! So again if you know anything about me at all, I’m a bit of an alcohol snob. I like the top shelf stuff. Give me the Ketel One, Hendricks, Don Julio, Rombauer Chardonnay, David Bruce Pinot Noir, etc. I treat alcohol the same as food, I want the good stuff! So if they are serving Smirnoff, Jose Cuervo, and Barefoot wine, then color me uninterested and I won’t be drinking. If they have the good stuff, then I will most likely be drinking. #totalsnob So I guess we’ll leave it up to fate! I’ll report back! Either way when I get back from vacay, I’m back on the wagon. I feel too amazing not to be.

So enough about me! Go get Cassy’s new book! It’s a must have! It’s also where you can find the other 4 roasted fruit flavors you see pictured here as well, like Blueberry, Raspberry, Cherry, and Grapefruit! I’m also hoping to meet up with Cassy for some of her tour dates, I’ll keep you posted on where we’ll be at. Until then, make these and I’ll Snapchat you from the Caribbean!

Roasted Strawberry Popsicles


Roasted Strawberry Popsicles
2016-08-10 12:57:57

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Prep Time
10 min

Cook Time
40 min

Total Time
4 hr 50 min

Prep Time
10 min

Cook Time
40 min

Total Time
4 hr 50 min

  1. 2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and cut in half
  2. 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  3. 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (about 1 small lemon)
  4. ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
  5. 1 cup water
Special equipment
  1. 4 Popsicle molds and Popsicle sticks
  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF and line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss the fruit in the olive oil and spread it out on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 40 minutes, or until the fruit has released its juices but is not burning.
  2. Transfer the roasted fruit to a blender and add the remaining ingredients. Blend on high for 3 minutes, or until smooth.
  3. Pour the puree into 4 Popsicle molds. Add a Popsicle stick and freeze for 4 hours or overnight.
  4. Place the bottom of the Popsicle mold in warm water to help release the Popsicles. Store the Popsicles in a sealed container in the freezer for up to 1 month.
  1. Roasting the fruit really helps to deepen the flavors and bring out the natural sugars. Cassy recommends you make a few batches and keep these on hand for when you need a frozen sweet treat!
By Cassy Joy Garcia
Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind


The post Roasted Strawberry Popsicles appeared first on Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind.

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