I Guess We’re Back

SO, I guess we’re back! Kind of I’ve restored as much as I can, so now it’s on to rebuilding. This Has Just Been A Never-Ending Nightmare! The Horror! This all started with going to login like always and do my maintenance and Behold the screen displays ACCOUNT SUSPENDED? What Does That Mean? My hosting…

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Save Your Money By Organizing your Finances

If you’re like me you’ve may have never organized a plan on how to best save your money. You carefully plan how to spend your money. Conserve energy, shopping sales, cutting corners, and clipping coupons. These are all positive steps in the right direction, but with some careful planning and organized thought, we can make…

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Does Kim Jong-un know History?

The timeline of World War 2 will show that on 6 August 1945 “Little Boy” was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Just three days later “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki, another Japanese city. It is important to know that “Little Man” and “Fat Man” were both nuclear weapons and are, to this…

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Institutional Racism In America

Institutional racism (also called institutionalized racism) is a kind of racism indicated in the practice of interpersonal and political companies. Institutional racism is also racism by individuals or casual social communities, governed by behavioral norms that support racist thinking and foment productive racism. It really is mirrored in disparities regarding prosperity, income, legal justice, employment,…

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Christmas in Vegas 2015

WOW!!! I wonder if the Jessica Valenzuela from Arizona planned for her trip to Las Vegas as long as we had. I know for me Las Vegas is a special place. My heart goes out to her family and all those effected. Just experiencing or watching it as it happened has to affect you. Even…

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First Rule Of The Internet

BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU SHARE WITH WHO! The internet is NOT a SAFE place! Think about what you share your life on-line.  In cause you hadn’t noticed the world is not a safe place.  I’m just saying. The stimulus to my quandary is this recent tragedy at Umpqua Community College, an obscure community college…

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This is my first unofficial post!

By unofficial I mean it’s my turn for the “No Spin Zone”! How can anyone say they we’re not putting our own perspective (“SPIN”) on issues that are dear to us? How can we distance ourselves from what we feel are important? Anyway that a discussion for another day. Especially since my wife cut off…

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