Creativity and your brain

We humans have ‘creative software’ in our brains—so says neuroscientist and author David Eagleman. We’re driven to invent and innovate, yet at the same time we’re attracted to the familiar—and our creativity lives in that tension.

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A Simple Daily Practice that Works

Being present in the moment is a simple daily practice that we can do anytime and anywhere. Being in the Present – A Simple Daily Practice that Works by Jim Dreaver     The beauty of the simple daily practice is that there is no special, eyes-closed meditation; no yoga or other exotic body movements; no restrictive diet; and no chanting, sacred rituals, or esoteric rites. It is just a matter of whenever we find ourselves lost in or getting distracted by a thought or “story,” or are having an emotional reaction to someone or something; we remember to come down out of our heads and back to the present moment. We come back to see without a “story” in the way, interfering with our clear perception of what “is” at this moment. To help us embody this, make it real in our lives, we can affirm the liberation mantra: “We are pure presence…” Then we take a few deep, slow breaths down into our belly, unlock our knees if we are standing, and feel our feet on the ground. Be alert, yet relaxed, and feel the alive presence in our body, the fact that we exist, here, now. Do the stepping-back practice if it helps. Step back a few inches above and behind our heads, which is more the real, “pure awareness” us. Then notice how everything in our awareness—our thoughts and “stories,” the “I” thought with its endless worries and concerns, and our feelings and emotions—comes and goes, yet we are always here. Become aware of our true nature as awareness itself, the alive existence in which all sounds, sights, sensations, thoughts, and “stories”—even the most personal of stories, the “I” and “me” story—come and go, arise and disappear. Realize or feel ourselves to be the awareness in…

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Polar Vortex Returns to Blast the US With ‘Bone-Chilling’ Arctic Air

A blast of cold air is expected to dump into the Midwest and Northeast following this weekend’s snowstorm. Temperatures in the affected areas are expected to plunge on Monday to record lows, highly unusual for this time of the year, which will disrupt power and gas markets.

“A persistent anomalous cold will continue across the plains over the next week. This cold comes after a record cold February across this region, extending into the Canadian prairies. Heating demand will continue to run much above normal for Early March in this portion of the country with additional heating demand potential across the entire northern tier of the United States. In addition to the cold, yet another winter storm is forecast to impact the Northeast I-95 corridor Sunday into Monday with moderate to heavy snowfall expected,” reported Meteorologist and owner of Empire Weather LLC., Ed Vallee.

Weather models and energy demand forecasts have prompted an operator of a power grid network spanning from the Dakotas to Louisiana to issue a power-plant fuel restriction warning for Monday through Wednesday, reported Bloomberg.

A brutal Arctic air mass is about to take over the US:


US Energy usage is starting to surge:

In Wyoming, gas supplies were expected to be extremely tight that a pipeline operator warned of supply issues.

Power for delivery for most of the Lower 48, except for some parts in the West, is expected to surge in the next several days. Reports show energy demand in the Pacific Northwest region could jump to levels not seen in a decade.

As a major winter storm passes through the Midwest and off to the Mid-Alantic and Northeast Sunday to Monday, a blast of dangerously cold air is expected to linger through Wednseday, allowing a surge in demand for power and gas markets at a time when demand is usually low.

Monday could see subzero temperatures in Wichita, Kansas and Kansas City. Single-digit highs will paralyze Minneapolis, and Chicago is forecast to be in the teens.

The leading edge of the arctic air mass will reach the Northeast Sunday, with temperatures troughing on Tuesday. Residents of Pittsburgh, Binghamton, New York, and northern New England, will experience single-digit degree days.

Heating degree days (HDD), a measurement intended to quantify the demand for energy needed to heat a building, is expected to jump in the US Lower 48, more specifically Central, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest.

Power for delivery for the Pacific Northwest has already spiked to more than $890 per megawatt-hour, according to Intercontinental Exchange Inc. Gas for delivery this weekend in Sumas, Washington, surged to $200, the highest spot price recorded in the Lower 48.

On Friday, spot gas at Northern Natural Gas’s Ventura hub in Iowa jumped 4x to $13.50 per million British thermal units in trading, according to David Hoy, an energy trader with Dynasty Power Inc. in Calgary. “This is unprecedented,” he said.

Suppliers will have to draw natural gas out of storage to cope with next week’s insane demand spike, said Rick Margolin, a senior natural gas analyst at Genscape Inc.

“Even though latest weather forecasts have revised ever so slightly warmer, they’re still showing enough cold to generate demand levels that could set new highs for the month of March,” Margolin said. Withdrawals could reach 120 billion cubic feet per day Monday. Demand may dip by the end of the week, but “we still see notably higher-than-normal levels running well into the middle of the month,”Margolin said.

Wade Schauer, an analyst at Wood Mackenzie, said Midwest grid operators would need to import energy from neighbors to the East and West grids, and maybe even Canda, to meet the surge in demand.

READ NEXT: NASA Scientist Warns Lack of Sunspots Could Bring Record Cold

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge

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Problems and inconveniences

One of life’s best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you’ve got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference.

Robert Fulghum, American author and Unitarian Minister, Uh-Oh: Some Observations from Both Sides of the Refrigerator Door

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The Simple Truth Driving Stalling And Motivation

Many individuals endure postponement. It keeps them from dwelling attained life and achieving their entire probable. There are various theories powering what makes men and women delay doing things and how to end, but number of struck the fingernail about the scalp and reveal the actual, and that is: Discover Your Enthusiasm While you are…

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Over 600 Tons of Leaked Oil Expected to Ruin Heritage-Listed Solomon Islands Reef

A terrifying environmental calamity has engulfed the Solomon Islands after a bulk carrier ran aground in last month’s cyclone Oma, threatening the future of a sensitive UNESCO World Heritage site.

The government of the small island nation has demanded urgent assistance in controlling the spill, which has already leaked over 80 tons of oil into the sea and surrounding shoreline and continues to gush into the nearby coral reef, causing a devastating impact on the environmentally sensitive region.

On February 5, the Hong Kong-flagged Solomon Trader, built in 1994, was loading bauxite from a mine on Rennell Island before the cyclone sank the ship onto a coral reef.

Over 660 tons of oil remain on board the leaking vessel along with the ship’s full load of bauxite, the key ore used to make aluminum. The ship was chartered with Indonesian company Bintan Mining Solomon Islands Limited, but its ownership remains unclear.

Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has expressed that it was “profoundly disappointed” by the slow response to the unfolding catastrophe, according to the Associated Press.

The spill also threatens to eventually spread to East Rennell, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the largest raised coral atoll in the world. UNESCO officials had called the site “a true natural laboratory” for scientific study – and one which faces danger due to logging and overfishing in the area. The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is working with Solomon authorities in hopes of assisting in damage control.

A source with close knowledge of the incident told The Guardian:

“Once it hits rock the heavy fuel oil is effectively like a bitumen-like substance and has to be removed by hand.”

While Australian officials warn that it remains high’y likely that the oil will be “released” into the sea, salvage crews have scrambled to mitigate the damage and pump the remaining oil from the ship before it breaks up.

“All of the evidence indicates very little prospect of imminent action that would involve getting the oil off the vessel and preventing the ongoing spill,” the source added.

In the meantime, Bauxite mining operations by the company have continued unimpeded. Officials from the Solomon maritime administration have been interviewing mining management officials, however, and are expected to halt the company’s operations.

About 2,000 people live on Rennell Island and rely on the surrounding ocean, as well as its abundant natural resources, for their livelihoods. The island is also home to a number of unique species, including such birds as the bare-eyed white eye, the Rennell shrikebill, the Solomons white ibis and the rare venomous sea krait Laticauda crockeri.

“The impact of this oil spill will have a devastating effect on the surrounding environment, including potentially on a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as the livelihood of the people of Rennell,”  Australian high commissioner Rod Brazier said.

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Sausage with Zucchini and Tomatoes


It’s finally Fall! Can we all just take a pumpkin spiced second to breathe it all in and rejoice? Fall is just the best. It’s when the scarves come out, the boots come on, and the holiday baking can officially commence! Oh and did I mention pumpkin spice yet? Of course I did, who’s your girl? I’m obsessed with Fall, I think it’s my favorite season, but then at the same time I think Winter is my favorite season because…snow and stuff.

     But Fall is the lifeline in my bones. I come alive as soon as the first leaf hits the ground and the weather becomes crisp. The. Best. Don’t even get me started on the food! Let’s move on to all that delicious Fall comfort food like this recipe for Sausage with Zucchini and Tomatoes.


     I’m actually really excited about this blog post for a few reasons. First and foremost, I got a new set of pots and pans! Not just any new set of pots and pans, a Calphalon Premier Space Saving Nonstick Cookware 10-pc set of pots and pans. This is the first set of real grown up pots and pans I’ve ever owned. And they are EVERYTHING!

     As I tell you guys on the daily, I have the worlds tiniest kitchen, so one of the biggest challenges I face is finding the space for all of my cookware in the kitchen. It’s always been tough to find the room to store and organize all of my cookware. When I’m entertaining and I invite family and friends over, I find I’m always having difficulty pulling the stuff I need out of the cabinet. I literally have to take everything out, set it on the floor (eww, gross) then find what pan I need and put it all back. It’s such a pain in the (insert expletive here). So anyway when I heard about a space saving cookware set, I was like sign me up!


     I’ve always been such a huge fan of Calphalon cookware in general. Calphalon provides me with the highest quality tools, expertly crafted and designed, to bring the best out of every meal, which is important for me as I want to have the best cookware in my kitchen.

     I actually will only buy a few brands out there, because I truly believe you get what you pay for and Calphalon is always at the top of my list because I know they sell a quality product. I’d rather pay more and buy something once than pay less and have to buy it over and over again. Calphalon is a one-stop-shop, I will always recommend them. I would never recommend anything that I don’t personally use in my own kitchen.


     So anywho, it was my birthday a few weeks ago and we wanted to have some friends over for dinner to celebrate. I just got these new pots and pans and I wanted to show them off! Mainly because all my friends know how small my kitchen is and the lack of storage space I have. I was dying to show them how much more room I had now that I ditched my old pots and pans for the Calphalon Premier Space Saving ones.

I have too much cupboard space in my kitchen and I just don’t know what to do with it. – No One Ever

But you guys, I literally said this out loud! I have so much room in my pots and pans cupboard now, that I seriously don’t know what to do!!! Thanks to the flat lids and unique handle design, the pots, pans and lids stack and nest in any order to save 30% more space when compared to other cookware. It’s absolutely genius. Like Einstein genius. And I’m like why hasn’t someone thought of this sooner?!?! Worth seriously every penny.


     For my birthday dinner celebration we decided to cook this delicious Sausage with Zucchini and Tomatoes and make some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. I was SO excited to use my new cookware. And use it I did! I think I used every pot and pan just because I could, since I had such easy access to it now. I also love how heavy duty they are, like you feel the solid construction and workmanship in every detail. Just taking them out of the box I couldn’t believe the weight and quality.

     I’ve never owned a nicer set of anything, ever. I almost want to cuddle with them at night because they are just so great. I could not be happier with them. So if you’re ready to ditch your crappy pots and pans and save some space, grab some of these. You won’t regret it.


      I went ahead and typed up the recipe we made because it’s insanely delicious! Technically it’s Brad’s recipe, but he said I could use it for the blog, so address your ‘Thank You’ notes to him. This recipe is insane and it’s SO simple. It’s one of my all-time favorite recipes that Brad makes. I mean, hello, I asked for it for my birthday dinner with guests over that we had to impress, it’s that good. So I just had to share it with you guys. Also it’s not a dessert recipe, are you stoked or what?! You know how I only live for desserts and rarely share a savory dish with you. Speaking of dessert though (thought you could escape eh?) we had chocolate covered strawberries for dessert, but it’s the easiest dessert ever, am I right? No recipe required.


     So let’s keep talking about my new pots and pans. Ha! I just seriously can’t even with them, they are so awesome! They make me WANT to cook, even after a long day. I absolutely love my Calphalon Premier Space Saving Nonstick Cookware and I’m excited to share that I will be giving away one 10-Piece Set next week so you can WIN one of your very own!

     The giveaway will be through Facebook and Instagram so keep your eyes peeled on my social feed. To enter into my giveaway, just follow me @vanessabarajas (Instagram) and Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind (Facebook) and @Calphalon on Instagram and Facebook, then when you see my giveaway post next week, “Like” the post and tag 2 friends in the comments.


      If you can’t wait and need a new set of pots and pans like now (trust me, I get it) the Calphalon Premier Space Saving Nonstick Cookware is available now at many fine retailers, like Bed Bath & Beyond, Crate & Barrel, Macy’s and Williams-Sonoma. You can also learn more about Calphalon by visiting or by following @Calphalon on Facebook and Instagram!


Sausage with Zucchini and Tomatoes
2017-09-29 17:22:55

Serves 4

Prep Time
20 min

Cook Time
40 min

Total Time
1 hr

Prep Time
20 min

Cook Time
40 min

Total Time
1 hr

  1. 1 teaspoon olive oil
  2. 2 (3-ounces) jalepeno cheddar brats, sliced into ¼ inch pieces
  3. 1 yellow onion, diced
  4. 6 garlic cloves, sliced
  5. 1 medium zucchini, sliced and quartered into ¼ inch pieces
  6. 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes
  7. 14-ounce can (396 g) artichoke bottoms, drained and halved
  8. 16-ounce jar (460 g) of no-sugar-added marinara sauce
  9. 1 teaspoon of ground sea salt
  10. 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
  11. 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, plus more for garnish
  12. 5-ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced into 5 pieces (optional)
  1. Add olive oil to a Calphalon Space Saving 3-qt. sauté pan set over medium-high heat. Add the sausage and brown on each side, about 4-5 minutes.
  2. Add the onions and garlic, cook until soft and translucent, about 3 minutes.
  3. Then add the zucchini, tomatoes, artichoke bottoms, marinara sauce, and spices. Stir together. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer covered for 30 minutes, stirring regularly.
  4. Add the fresh mozzarella slices on top of the simmered ingredients. Cover and allow to melt, about 10 minutes. Garnish with Italian seasoning sprinkled across the mozzarella. Serve immediately.
  5. Store any leftovers refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days.
Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind

Thank you to Calphalon for sponsoring this post. All opinions are honest and my own.


The post Sausage with Zucchini and Tomatoes appeared first on Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind.

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All things are charged with..

Another Saturday, another piece from Mary Oliver

The dog, the donkey, surely they know they are alive. Who would argue otherwise? But now, after years of consideration, I am getting beyond that. What about the sunflowers? What about The tulips, and the pines? Listen, all you have to do is start and There?ll be no stopping. What about mountains? What about water Slipping over rocks? And speaking of stones, what about The little ones you can Hold in your hands, their heartbeats So secret, so hidden it may take years Before, finally, you hear them?

Mary Oliver, Swan: Poems and Prose Poems

All things therefore are charged with love, are charged with God and if we knew how to touch them give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him

Gerard Manley Hopkins, Letters

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