Personal Mastery Why Bother?

Do we fully understand how important it is to develop our skills, know our strengths and weaknesses in able to deal with our own personal growth and development?

When we know and develop personal mastery, we may be able to listen to ourselves and ideally obtain balance in our life. Well, if you’re like me, you don’t know and haven’t developed personal mastery.

So why bother? What’s in it for me?

In theory personal mastery can enable us to manage our energy levels and put more fun back into our lives. Remember Fun? It can help change our vision of life. It can even make us a happier person and fun to be around. Wouldn’t that be a pleasant change? If think you don’t you need to be a happier person and more fun to be around, ask somebody close to you.

For some of us it can be the beginning of a personal vision. But, that’s a topic for another post.

In able to obtain personal mastery, there are principles that can be a guide for us on our quest for growth and maturity. Principles behind personal mastery are actually fundamental concepts that are essential when building professional, social and spiritual relationships.

A principle behind personal mastery is understanding that what happens in our lives is based on our own choices and not from anybody else. We should take responsibility for what has happened in our life. Therefore, decisions about our lives should be made by our own will. We have to know our strength and weaknesses.

In personal mastery, the internal change we make now is actually more important than what has happened to us in the past. For the record we CAN’T change the past!

The only rule: YOU HAVE TO GET PAST THE PAST! Otherwise you energies are spent on things you CAN NOT CHANGE. Their done. LET THEM GO! Oh! If it were only so easy.

Personal mastery is also based on reality. It is important for searchers to spend time and energy in things that can be controlled, like the present and the future. It is important to let go of reactive attitudes like resentment, complaint, blame and just wishful thinking.

Avoiding the trap of someday I’ll be great, successful, and happy ya know. When I bet if we took the time to reflect, we have it now.

Hopefully, this will enable us to change how we think, feel and behave.

Having a clear vision of what we want and what we have to do to achieve it. Having a clear definition of success are also principles behind personal mastery.

With a vision we can identify our goals and the steps necessary to attain our goals. Then it is time to translate them into action.

If we can attain personal mastery we should be able to raise our self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-responsibility.

What it great about personal mastery is that we can recognize that we are part of a system. We know that we are able to contribute and influence through our creative ideas. While realizing that controlling the situation or the system is impossible, we’re less likely to stress over it.

Personal mastery is something that does not happen as an accident or overnight. It requires hard work, courage, perseverance, discipline and reinforcements. It also takes faith in ourselves.

Those of us who are on the path to personal mastery should often times attend training’s, seminars, coaching and counseling sessions to make sure that what we have learned in personal mastery is not  lost again in the midst of selfishness and materialism.

Or as some would say Pay It Forward!

These principles may help searchers on their path:
• Learning how to deal with difficult and challenging situations.
• Isolating positive behaviors and feelings and working on them.
• Accepting the difficult and harsh realities of life.
• Let go of negatives like resentment and blame. (Easier said than done!)
• Understand the importance and freedom that comes with responsibility.
• Setting goals for yourself. (No easy task. See future post.)
• Identify your principles in life.
• Prioritize what is more important to you.
• Make a commitment.
• Develop self-confidence and self-esteem
• Accept imperfection and build on one’s strength.
• Feel the connection between oneself to others.
• Develop an inquisitive mind.
• Adapt and work with change.
• Visit pabloshelpdesk regularly

This should be the application of the vision, values and principles that we choose to follow.

Personal mastery can help us all understand that life is full of opportunities for expanding our vision, skills, and prosperity.



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