Tips in Finding Our Passion!

Some of us take a lifetime in realizing what we really want to do and where we want to take our journey. It would be best if we knew the essentials in finding our passion while we were still young.

This way, you will have lots of time to fulfill whatever you want to achieve and enjoy its effects and benefits as well. For some of us we only want to pursue our passion only after we have gone through several failures.

It is not that easy to know what we really want to do for the rest of our lives. I still don’t know, and I’m far from young, physically.

But, there are some of us who end up pursuing a very unlikely routes while forgetting what we really wanted to achieve.

The reasons for this varies. But I just call it getting caught up in life.

To help us in this regard, here are some tips that we can follow.

We should look at things around us. Determine what or who inspired us to achieve whatever goals we had in mind. They can be your loved ones or a specific person that encouraged you to be better.

These can also be things. Be careful with this one. What are the objects that create some sparks and enhance you to move forward?

Use these objects and people in order to find out for yourself what you really want to achieve. You can list down the things and people or places that may come to your mind when you are thinking about this, so that you can begin tracking of what really matters to you.

Think happy thoughts!

Reminisce about the times when you were most happy in your life. What brought about such happiness? What made you happy?

And while you’re at it, you should also think about when was the last time you experienced such a moment.

If it’s already been a long time, ask yourself why? What do you think caused such a state?

Go back to the things that ignited your passion in the past. Read your favorite book.

This may be a great time to find peace digging through self-help books, videos, for some the bible.

This can especially true if you cannot talk to anyone close to you regarding the matter in ways that you hope to be understood.

If you are stuck in a job that is killing you and your only reason why your there is for the money, (aka paying the bills). Ya know that getting caught up in life thing! Then you may have a harder time in getting to know where your real passion lies.

Because if you’re like me other people depend on you. Bottom line we still have to take care of business.

Despite the hype, unless you’re in certain fields is still tough finding the job of our dreams out there.

You may want to look back at the point before you entered this job. What were you back then or what were you trying to achieve at that point?

What where the things you were thinking about? If you have already saved enough, then you’re probably not reading this post, you may want to consider quitting your current job. This way, you can allot more time in pursuing the things that you really want before it is already too late.

Think this step through though! Don’t let frustration cost you everything. Don’t take for granted what you’ve already achieved. Take time to reflect on where you are.

I can Guarantee you that you are going to find people in better and worse situations then us.

Never forget to be thankful!

That being said, we all have to be open to whatever possibilities life may bring. We need to expect more than what we may already have achieved. This can be done by being bold enough to reach out of our comfort zone.

It doesn’t matter how small or how big it is. Once we start following our hearts and minds to reach the point where we think and feel we will be happy and satisfied, we begin to feel we are on the right track.

And finding our passion will hopefully be easier in the long run.


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